This site is being maintained but I am not currently adding new things. I am either working for clients or working on my own projects. In either case I cannot share what I'm up to.
Some projects of note that I have completed recently:
- Parcel Indexes. (LandGate)
- Environmental Reports, Endangered Species, Industrial Contamination. (LandGate)
- Available Transfer Capacity and Injection. (LandGate)
- A customized and proprietary SARIMA-based time series forecasting tool. (Denovo Ventures, LLC.)
- A customized and proprietary Prophet-based time series forecasting tool. (Denovo Ventures, LLC.)
- A robust statistical analysis model to handle data that is univariate or multivariate. (Denovo Ventures, LLC.)
- A ticket issuance system to watch for changes in trouble ticket volume. (Denovo Ventures, LLC.)
- A proprietary system to automatically determine high and low thresholds used to watch for changes in system utilization. (Denovo Ventures, LLC.)
- Some natural language processors for summarizing large amounts of text from scientific articles. (Gooberman, Inc.)
- A sentiment analysis tool to determine what feelings a reviewer was trying to express in text. (Gooberman, Inc.)
- A variety of processing tools to handle Excel data en masse. (Gooberman, Inc.)
- A redesign of an SQL database to use Elasticsearch instead. (Gooberman, Inc.)
Traveling Salesman Problem Computer Test with JavaScript and Python: TSP
Underground Fuel Line Gas Test Trending in Python: UG Trending
Uninterruptible Power Supply System Analysis Written in R: UPS
My paper from my MS. (Reprinted with permission from Washington State University Department of Mathematics.) This is a small part of reserach performed by Dr. Kevin Cooper, Dr. Alexander Panchenko at WSU. Paper and Presentation . The problem written about here is a nonlinear particle physics problem that used to need a supercomputer cluster to solve. However, with the techniques we developed we can run the same problem on a laptop in a few minutes using Matlab. Groovy.